Monday, April 7, 2014

An A(adult)TCK Thing

Reflections April 7

I’m thinking about underwear. I skyped with my 23-year-old niece yesterday. She just landed in Amman for an internship with ACTED, a French NGO, and had the day to herself before starting work. She said she had to do laundry because she is running out of clean underwear. Now, I just returned from a 35-day trip to Nepal and India and I washed out my undies every night. I often do this at home too, thereby preserving the color, lengthening the life span, and possibly preventing shrink. Where did I learn to do thus, from whom? Probably from traveling as a kid with my family, from my mother.  It must be a TCK thing.
I suggested to Hillary that she wash them out herself, just use soap, don’t worry about having proper detergent, it still works, that bar of generic soap in a hotel room, and when she gets settled in one spot she can figure the laundry thing out.
Thinking to myself that I would still wash out my own underwear - to have to go to the laundry for the sake of little things, no.
I am curious about how many women do wash out their own under garments, at least while traveling. I just never know the norm, sometimes I think less so than others, but perhaps many feel like this, or else they just don’t think about it.  My husband recently told me he often did not know what was in my head. Well, it’s not that deep.
The underwear - it’s way better to wash a pair each night so they don’t pile up and then I have to hang them over the shower curtain and the back of chairs and on window latches and, if they aren’t dry in the morning, whoever comes to fix up the room will be faced with flags of panties and contemplate them in some way. How could they not? Even finger them to feel the material, think about her own underpants, and look at this one, a little dingy, even a small tear in a waistband.
A travel writer bragged that she went around the world on 1 pair of undies. This seems very risky to me. I understand that the article’s point was how little one can pack for a big trip, but still. Anything can happen, accidents of liquid from within or without. Spills and leaks. My brother making me laugh so hard on car trips and there hadn’t been a rest stop for 6 hours, that kind of thing.
More likely though it’s those squat toilets, or balancing behind a thin bush hoping the other bus passengers are not watching your shiny white ass.  Haste interferes with accuracy.  Sometimes the stream is just not straight. I never could figure out why. Volume same, direction askew. Or, it’s the last chance to urinate for miles and miles and you force out all the dribbles. Look up dribble in the dictionary. Take my word for it, you need a spare.
How much room or weight does one pair of medium-sized underpants take? This is not the point because I am not that travel writer on the cutting edge of packing light. I am a normal, mostly, female traveling in a foreign or not-so-foreign country always with a back-up pair of panties.
‘Course the other trick is the panty liner-a recent discovery of mine, why it took so long, I don’t know. The prospect of paperless toilet stalls prompted this. Yes, I have Charmin tissue in a neat little package in my pocketbook, but do you think I always remember to grab it? Having a weighty bag swinging over my shoulder is not helpful in most bathroom scenes, and wet floors from that curious spray nozzle and heaven knows what else are not conducive to setting my bag down. Hence, my bag sits in the car with my husband or goes over his shoulder while I find the Memsahibs. (Maybe I need to rethink a handbag aka backpack.) Anyway, the little neat strip of extra protection works great, and when you rip it off, voila, clean panties. So, I’m betting that travel writer had some of those along, just to cover her butt.

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